DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis

DNA Analysis

Regular price €300,00
Taxes included.

Our DNA analysis delivers deep insights into how your body responds to nutrition, exercise, recovery, and overall health, leveraging your unique genetic makeup and additional health data for a truly personalized approach.


What's included?

  • Easy at-home saliva collection
  • Certified university lab for high-quality genetic analysis
  • Get access to our 4GOLD DNA app and online dashboard
  • Link additional health data, including blood results, wearables, and lifestyle information
  • 1-on-1 video call (30 min) with an expert to discuss your results and next steps
  • DNA app available in English, Dutch, Italian, French, German, and Spanish



Unlike other DNA reports on the market, our software takes into account the complex interplay between genetic variants, ensuring that you get a complete picture of your DNA's impact on your health and performance. But we don't stop there we go beyond just analyzing your DNA. Through advanced data fusion, we offer comprehensive insights into all your health data—ranging from your DNA and blood results to wearable device data and lifestyle questionnaires. Our cutting-edge algorithms integrate and analyze this information to give you a complete 360-degree view of your health. These insights are presented clearly in our app, making it easy for you to understand, track, and manage your overall well-being.

Why a DNA analysis?

Our DNA analysis provides valuable insights into how your body responds to nutrition, exercise, recovery, and overall health based on your unique genetic makeup. Your genes influence factors such as nutrient absorption, muscle recovery, injury risk, and metabolism, allowing for a more personalized approach to optimizing performance and well-being. By understanding your genetic blueprint, you can make targeted lifestyle and dietary choices that align with your body's specific needs, helping you achieve better results in training, recovery, and long-term health.

What makes us unique?

Unlike other DNA reports on the market, our software takes into account the complex interplay between genetic variants, ensuring that you get a complete picture of your DNA's impact on your health and performance. But we don't stop there we go beyond just analyzing your DNA. Through advanced data fusion, we offer comprehensive insights into all your health data—ranging from your DNA and blood results to wearable device data and lifestyle questionnaires. Our cutting-edge algorithms integrate and analyze this information to give you a complete 360-degree view of your health. These insights are presented clearly in our app, making it easy for you to understand, track, and manage your overall well-being.

For who?

For everyone who wants to understand how their body functions. While you can't alter your genes, you can optimize their functionality. It's important to understand that your body needs to metabolize everything you consume into a usable form.

Is my privacy guaranteed?

We take your privacy seriously. We've partnered with a top-tier European university lab to perform DNA extraction under the strictest GDPR laws. But that's just the beginning - we utilize cutting-edge encryption techniques to ensure maximum security. You have control over your data and can share it easily, securely and GDPR-proof with trusted healthcare providers.

Does my DNA change over time?

No, your DNA is fixed. That is why the information in your raw genetic data file is still usable after many years. Keep it at hand if updates are available, because every day new scientific research emerges that provides new insights.

Who can access my data?

You have full control over your data. So you decide who gets access to it.

How do I ensure the best saliva sample?

For the best results, it is highly recommended not to eat, drink (except water), smoke or chew gum during 30 minutes before collecting saliva.

When the DNA kit arrives just read the instructions carefully before taking your sample.

How do I register my DNA kit?

The box in which the kit was sent shows a QR code and a link to dna.4gold.eu. Scan the QR-code with your smartphone or surf to the website. Fill in the requested details to register your kit. After registration, you will be redirected to the instructions to successfully take your saliva sample. After you have successfully completed the registration and collection of the sample, you need to return the DNA kit.

Customer Reviews

Based on 207 reviews
Helaas teveel darmklachten en gewichtstoename

4Gold heeft mij met de DNA test een heel mooi inzicht gegeven in mogelijkheden en valkuilen in de trainingen en wedstrijden. Helaas heb ik sinds het gebruik van de supplementen forse darmklachten gekregen. In overleg met 4Gold is de samenstelling aangepast, echter de darmklachten houden aan. Tevens ben ik 5 kg in gewicht toegenomen hetgeen zou worden veroorzaakt door het gebruik van creatine (iets wat je als wielrenner nu juist niet wilt). Helaas werkt het concept voor mij niet.

Heel interessante inzichten, ook voor non-prof sporters

Ik heb de DNA test gedaan uit interesse voor mijn algemene gezondheid en om nieuwe inzichten te krijgen in wat zou werken voor mij en wat niet. Ookal ben ik niet super intensief bezig met sport was het super interessant om te weten te komen wat er misschien achter zit van mogelijke oorzaak bij bepaalde gezondheidsproblemen. Zo ben ik te weten gekomen dat mijn darmen extra ondersteuning kunnen gebruiken. Ik ben sinds de dna test nog maar 3 weken bezig met de gut support en merk nu al mega verschillen in mijn stoelgang en reactie op bepaalde voeding.

Hi Maxine, bedankt om jouw ervaring met onze DNA-analyse te delen! Je slaat de nagel op de kop dat onze DNA-analyse niet enkel voor atleten is, maar voor iedereen die inzicht wil krijgen in hun genetisch profiel en algemene gezondheid. Leuk om te horen dat je enkele zaken hebt kunnen aanpakken en al verbetering merkt, daar doen we het voor.

Pieter Smans
Goede ervaring, heeft me heel veel inzichten geleverd.

Ik heb enkele maanden geleden de DNA analyse gedaan. De staalname en retourneren van het staal zijn super goed verlopen. Duidelijke instructies en eenvoudige handelingen.
Na een 4-tal weken heb ik de resultaten ontvangen. Er komt heel veel informatie op je af dus ik raad iedereen aan om nadien het opvolg gesprek te doen. Tijdens dit gesprek werd een anamnese gedaan, de link gelegd met recent bloedonderzoek dat ik had opgeladen en tips gedeeld. Ik heb dit gesprek als heel aangenaam, professioneel en zeer uitgebreid ervaren. Het heeft me goede en praktische inzichten gegeven die ik makkelijk kon aanpassen.
Nu enkele weken later merk ik een wezenlijk verschil in mijn energieniveau en kwaliteit van mijn trainingen.

Hey pieter, bedankt voor je positieve review! Fantastisch om te horen dat de DNA-analyse en het opvolggesprek je zoveel inzichten hebben opgeleverd. Super dat je nu al een merkbaar verschil ervaart in je energieniveau en trainingen! 💪

Noticeably better recovery and sleep

I started using the personalized supplements from 4Gold four weeks ago, and I’m genuinely impressed with the results. Since starting them, I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my sleep quality and overall energy levels. This isn’t just a subjective feeling; my wearable objectively confirms it with a higher recovery score. What’s even more remarkable is that this has happened without an increase in sleep hours and despite a higher training load in the final, intense weeks of my trail marathon preparation.
Additionally, it’s a great advantage that the right types and amounts of supplements are offered in a balanced formula, making daily intake much more convenient.
Highly recommended for anyone looking to optimize recovery and performance!

Hi Isabelle, thank you for taking the time to write about your experience with our DNA-analysis and 4HEALTH. We take pride in supporting your goals (either health or performance related) and to make you feel your best. We are very excited to hear how our approach has improved your sleep and energy levels. We wish you the best of luck with your trail marathon and thank you for choosing 4GOLD!


DNA Analyse heeft mij geholpen om inzicht te krijgen in mijn optimalisatie en herstel
Gepersonaliseerde supplementen 2e maand bezig zeer tevreden en goed van smaak