DNA Analysis
We help you understand your body to make better decisions and improve your health and performance. Read and accept the consents below to be able to order
Process medical information consent
Process medical information consent
You hereby confirm your agreement and consent to process your medical information (such as saliva and cheek mucos) that will be sent in order to perform the DNA analysis and compile the DNA report. Please note that this tool is not intended to diagnose or to treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.
Independent verification consent
Independent verification consent
You acknowledge the need for independent verification of information in the report, including clinically validated tests. (This is particularly important given the non-zero possibility of an error.) You understand that by using a third party genetic tool you are introducing another layer susceptible to error. (This is in addition to the fact that even the raw data, for example, can have inaccuracies.)
We’ll charge your card  CHF 287.00
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
4HEALTH Personalised Supplements
4HEALTH Personalised Supplements
4HEALTH Personalised Supplements
4HEALTH Personalised Supplements
4HEALTH Personalised Supplements
4HEALTH Personalised Supplements
Collect your saliva sample with our DNA kit.
We link your DNA to other profile data such as: your age, gender, exercise, sleep, stress, gut health, diet, habits and goals.
After 4-6 weeks, you will receive insights into performance, health and nutrition, diet and supplements, ...
Get on track with strategies that actually work for YOU!
Collect your saliva sample with our DNA kit.
We link your DNA to other profile data such as: your age, gender, exercise, sleep, stress, gut health, diet, habits and goals.
After 4-6 weeks, you will receive insights into performance, health and nutrition, diet and supplements, ...
Get on track with strategies that actually work for YOU!
Unlike other DNA reports on the market, our software takes into account the complex interplay between genetic variants, ensuring that you get a complete picture of your DNA's impact on your health and performance. But we don't stop there we go beyond just analyzing your DNA. Through advanced data fusion, we offer comprehensive insights into all your health data—ranging from your DNA and blood results to wearable device data and lifestyle questionnaires. Our cutting-edge algorithms integrate and analyze this information to give you a complete 360-degree view of your health. These insights are presented clearly in our app, making it easy for you to understand, track, and manage your overall well-being.



Health is about optimizing your body’s full potential. We dive into your unique health needs, offering insights into areas like sleep, stress, gut health, mental wellness, and more. Through advanced data fusion, we combine genetic, blood, wearable, and lifestyle data to create a personalized health profile, empowering you with deeper insights to achieve optimal well-being.


Every body responds uniquely to nutrients and food, and through data fusion, we provide insights into areas where you can optimize your health. By integrating all available data, we gain a comprehensive understanding of how your body functions and its current state, empowering you to make informed decisions for improving your overall well-being.


You are unique, and through data fusion, we provide personalized insights crucial for your athletic performance. We reveal how your genetics impact endurance, strength, training, and recovery. This comprehensive view helps you optimize strategies, prevent injuries, and elevate your performance to the next level.


Gain insight into your body’s current needs and how it processes nutrients. Whether you’re looking to enhance performance, support your health, sleep better or enhance your healthspan our data-fusion insights helps you choose the right supplements tailored to your unique profile.


Access tools designed to support you, like our own Binaural Beats tool for stress reduction and relaxation, and our Sports Nutrition Calculator, which offers personalized product recommendations for your ride, run, or race—always tailored to your unique data.

DNA Analysis

DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
4HEALTH Personalised Supplements
4HEALTH Personalised Supplements
4HEALTH Personalised Supplements
4HEALTH Personalised Supplements
4HEALTH Personalised Supplements
4HEALTH Personalised Supplements
4HEALTH Personalised Supplements
4HEALTH Personalised Supplements
4HEALTH Personalised Supplements
4HEALTH Personalised Supplements
4HEALTH Personalised Supplements
4HEALTH Personalised Supplements

DNA Analysis

  • DNA kit for saliva collection 
  • Analysis by certified university lab
  • 1 on 1 video call (30 min) to discuss your insights
  • Get access to our 4GOLD DNA app and online dashboard
  • DNA app available in: English, Dutch, Italian, French, German and Spanish 
Process medical information consent
Process medical information consent
You hereby confirm your agreement and consent to process your medical information (such as saliva and cheek mucos) that will be sent in order to perform the DNA analysis and compile the DNA report. Please note that this tool is not intended to diagnose or to treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.
Independent verification consent
Independent verification consent
You acknowledge the need for independent verification of information in the report, including clinically validated tests. (This is particularly important given the non-zero possibility of an error.) You understand that by using a third party genetic tool you are introducing another layer susceptible to error. (This is in addition to the fact that even the raw data, for example, can have inaccuracies.)
We’ll charge your card  CHF 287.00
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis
DNA Analysis

DNA Analysis

CHF 287

  • DNA kit for saliva collection 
  • Analysis by certified university lab
  • 1 on 1 video call (30 min) to discuss your insights
  • Get access to our 4GOLD DNA app and online dashboard
  • DNA app available in: English, Dutch, Italian, French, German and Spanish 
Process medical information consent
Process medical information consent
You hereby confirm your agreement and consent to process your medical information (such as saliva and cheek mucos) that will be sent in order to perform the DNA analysis and compile the DNA report. Please note that this tool is not intended to diagnose or to treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.
Independent verification consent
Independent verification consent
You acknowledge the need for independent verification of information in the report, including clinically validated tests. (This is particularly important given the non-zero possibility of an error.) You understand that by using a third party genetic tool you are introducing another layer susceptible to error. (This is in addition to the fact that even the raw data, for example, can have inaccuracies.)

Customer Reviews

Based on 100 reviews
THE partner for your DNA test

I had a fantastic experience with 4GOLD's DNA analysis service. The process was simple and efficient, and the results were incredibly detailed and informative. The insights I gained about my genetics and health were truly eye-opening. The customer support was also top-notch, providing guidance throughout the entire journey via the 4Gold app. I highly recommend 4GOLD for anyone interested in unlocking the secrets hidden within their DNA.

Our team is very happy to hear the kind words towards them. Good luck with the eye-opening insights and becoming the best version of yourseld!

Nicholas Bellon
Comprehensive and insightful DNA Analysis

My overall experience with the 4Gold DNA Analysis was exceptional! The process was straightforward, and the insights provided were incredibly detailed and personalized. I learned so much about my genetic makeup and how to optimize my nutrition and fitness plans. The results were delivered quickly and in an easy-to-understand format. Highly recommend to anyone looking to take their health and performance to the next level!

Andres Beers
We go for gold !!

Andres Beers 16j, recently took first place in a prestigious endurance Belcar race at the iconic Spa-Francorchamps circuit. The victory was made possible in part by 4Gold's products, including the exclusive Golden Bottle.

"I am extremely happy with this victory," said Beers "4Gold's products have helped me prepare optimally and improve my performance. Not only is the Golden Bottle a beautiful item, but the products have proven invaluable during my training sessions and the race itself."

4Gold is known for its innovative and high-quality sports nutrition products designed to help athletes reach their maximum potential. The Golden Bottle, one of their premium drinking bottles, and their products aimed at improving endurance, recovery and overall performance.

"The race at Spa-Francorchamps is one of the toughest endurance races, and the competition was fierce. Thanks to 4Gold's support, I felt stronger and better prepared than ever. I am convinced that 4Gold's products played a crucial role in my success."

Andres is an avid athlete and has already achieved several successes in the world of endurance racing. With the addition of 4Gold to his preparation regime, he expects to achieve even more career highlights, his next race being the legendary 24h of Zolder.

Fornieri Sacha
DNA-analyse = Eyeopener

Het speelde al een tijdje in mijn hoofd of ik nu tot nieuwe inzichten kon komen adhv een DNA-analyse. Er was weinig wetenschappelijk leesvoer over te vinden of het echt interessant leek. Nadat ik toch nieuwsgierig was het uit te testen ben ik een hoop informatie te weten gekomen over mijn lichaam ik toch gerichter kan supplementeren en me richt op voedingsstoffen die mijn lichaam meer deugd doen dan kwaad. Ik was verbaasd over de informatie hoe zaken toch bleken te kloppen die enkel ik over mezelf weet. Inzake uithoudingssporten is het handig te weten je snel caffeïne afbreekt dus caffeïnegels zijn voor mij bevorderlijk. Ik langer aandacht moet besteden aan opwarming en herstel wegens gevoelige gewrichten enz. Een keuze moet maken om meer plantaardige eiwitten te consumeren mits vertraagde afbraak dierlijke eiwitten enz. Toch allemaal zaken die ik graag vroeger had geweten. 4Gold heeft ook een aantal producten die ik merkbaar voel in energie bvb de Green Fuel geeft me 's morgens een goeie boost boordevol vitamines , ik drink het samen met Gut Support voor mijn spijsvertering extra te voorzien van vezels. De app is heel overzichtelijk en hoop in de toekomst je info nog kan aangepast worden naarmate je je levensstijl toch hebt aangepast sinds de DNA-analyse. Het gesprek je uiteindelijk hebt om je resultaten te bespreken was ook leerrijk , ik vernam bvb ook welke magnesium je beter opnam enz. Ik geloof erin dit merk toch serieus zal groeien ten voordele van de amateursporter om betere resultaten te boeken.

Juan Carlos Valverde
DNA analysis for Feed Efficiency

Personally, I feel like I wasted a lot of time trying foods and energy products without knowing that, in that process, I was still making very important mistakes that I didn't know about my metabolism. Thanks to the 4GOLD DNA study, I now know foods that do not benefit me and to eliminate and replace from my usual diet. Fortunately, my decision to do this broad and in-depth analysis with so much information, in my mother tongue and easy understanding, I can say that I am surprised and very satisfied, I know my body from the inside, I know what is best and what can bring me the most benefit. As an amateur cyclist with a lot of experience and miles on my legs, I recommend that you take advantage of this great opportunity to really get to know yourself, from the inside, it is the best and fastest way to the healthiest efficiency of our organisms and each one has their own, avoid harming ourselves or wasting money in the attempt to try taking what others say works very well for them, without knowing if by doing so we may be doing something that our body does not properly assimilate or if it rejects it.

Is the sample collection difficult and painful to do?

No, it's really easy and painless to do. You just collect some saliva with a cotton swab on the inside of your cheek.

How do I ensure the best saliva sample?

For the best results, it is highly recommended not to eat, drink (except water), smoke or chew gum during 30 minutes before collecting saliva.

When the DNA kit arrives just read the instructions carefully before taking your sample.

How do I register my DNA kit?

The box in which the kit was sent shows a QR code and a link to dna.4gold.eu . Scan the QR-code with your smartphone or surf to the website. Fill in the requested details to register your kit. After registration, you will be redirected to the instructions to successfully take your saliva sample. After you have successfully completed the registration and collection of the sample, you need to return the DNA kit.

I forgot to register my kit, what do I do?

Send us an email at DNA@4gold.eu and we will try to locate your sample. There are no guarantees that we can find your sample and link it to you with enough certainty. When not 100% sure, you will have to ask for a new DNA sample kit.

I already have raw genetic data file at my disposal. Can I have it analysed by 4Gold?

At this time, we can also analyse genetic data files from 23andme. You can find more information on this product page.

Does my DNA change over time?

No, your DNA is fixed. That is why the information in your raw genetic data file is still usable after many years. Keep it at hand if updates are available, because every day new scientific research emerges that provides new insights.

Where can I find my results?

Your results will be sent to you by email. You can then upload the encryption key in our DNA app or dashboard at dna.4gold.eu and view your results.

Who can access my data?

You have full control over your data. So you decide who gets access to it.

Can I share my data with other health practitioners?

Yes! We have made a special dashboard for paramedics (doctors, physiotherapists, dietitians, trainers,...). They can create a free account and use the dashboard to securely acces the genetic data of patients (completely GDPR compliant). This way, they can discuss results with them or they can personalize certain services - for example, setting up a diet, interpreting a blood analysis or drawing up a training plan. Would you like to give your doctor, dietitian, trainer access to your data or are you a paramedic who would like to work with us or has questions about this? Please contact us at dna@4gold.eu.

What is the difference between the 4Gold DNA analysis and those of others?

What distinguishes our DNA analysis from others in the market is our sophisticated approach that considers the intricate interactions among genetic variants, rather than relying solely on based single variant based insights. This detail might appear trivial, but the reality is that genetic variants can either amplify or neutralize each other's effects. Our commitment is to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how your DNA influences your health and performance, ensuring you receive a holistic overview, not just fragments of information.